Carbon on Rag

The carbon print is an authentic monochrome print, faithful to the spirit of artisan silver Black and White print, combining a modern rendering with flawless quality. Deep blacks, very fine printing and stunning grayscale, combined with archival level of durability.

The entire process is grayscale based, the dedicated printer itself being only equipped with carbon pigment inks. This overcomes any constraint related to colorimetry. The print tone is determined by the couple paper/ ink, such as it was determined by the couple paper /chemistry in the darkroom.

The papers chosen for Carbon on Rag prints are untreated, acid free, without brighteners(orlimitedand confinedin thefiber itself). These noble materials made from natural plant fibers combine to perfection with carbon pigments to give the photograph its owed sustainability. The tests were performed by the Aardenburg Imaging Lab. Matte papers are prefered for their archival quality but also for their richness in gray scales. They usually give better results once behind a glass.

Finally, the environmental impact is very limited due to a very well controlled process that generates little waste. The use of refillable cartridges and continuous ink systems avoids ink wasting and the discharge of wasteplastics.